2003 06 18.2
For thus says the Lord. I am the One who you should be worshipping. I am the One who you should be paying attention too. I am the One who is in control of everything. Those who stand for their denomination, those who stand for their beliefs separate from the Bible, those who stand for their money organized churches; will stand for the world and I will not be their help when the troubles and denominational fights begin. Yes, there will be fights between churches, fights within churches, and fights between those within the churches and those without. I am calling My people to stand for peace and love even to love those who are wrong and bring a Spirit of love to those who persecute them. I am calling My people to stand for peace and not fight at this time. For those who fight will lose; and those who will not fight but stand in love for the truth of the Bible will be raised up victorious by Myself in the end. Stand and know that troubled times are coming. Stand and know that there is a way of the world which will lead to sin within the churches. Stand and know that there is a way of God which will lead to truth without man-made, money organized, churches. So says the Lord.
2004 01 28.1
For thus says the Lord. My people who are tormented by unbelievers within the churches are truly those who are My witnesses in all the land. For when those who are within the churches will not bow down and serve the Master, Jesus; then truly sin has come unto the churches. I seek those who will bow down and humble themselves and obey the Spirit of God.
Link: http://www.unleavenedbreadministries.org/?page=prophtodenom
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