Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Republic of the United States of America

Once upon a time there was a Republic that "In God we Trusted"... Slowly it was turned into a Democracy where "in congress we trust." God has been taken out of all, of us, of businesses, schools and even churches, where even their speech is limited. We have given up all our freedoms. We have ceased to be good, we have been dumbed down, we have been made ignorant, and we have no hope but for God himself to deliver us.


Templewind said...

Hello, I believe you have received an email from me. I would very much like to correspond with you regarding your, "Worldwide Outpouring of the Holy Spirit dream". The time is short, please respond as soon as possible.

Templewind said...

I'm not sure why my last post didn't work, but would like to speak with you regarding your dream about worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit. mlr

TheMasterDesigner said...

You can email at